Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Collected my newly ordered disc from Joel. Lol i onli jus remembered he lived behind me. Discraft Ultra Star - Chameleon.. WHen under artificial light it's white and under sunlight the UV rays make it turn purple. Cool rite.. Played mahjong wif e guys till mornin den went home bathed ate n rushed straight to work.Well okay so wrked at SGH's Health Development Board myopia prevention event tingy. Dere are 900 kids a day. Wow n im toking about pre-school toddlers the age of 3-5. U can onli imagine how cute so many of dem were! haha n we were instructed on how not to say words like "stupid", "silly", or "oi!". Coz apparently these are considered bad words in THEIR dictionary. not tt their vocabuarly list is long anyway lol. Im in charge of some animal walkabout booth. E prizes are just some lousy stickers. Lastly jus wanna emphatise how cute the children were. No wonder Early Childhood Education students are tahan the kids on attachment.. They're so cute sometimes tt u forget to be angry wif dem haha. Small boys even initiate to hold hands wif one another. Pictures!


(Wa lauu early game i ting Yao Jiu Da Pai den nv hu.. I HATE U FEIFEI!)

(My booth jus finish setup..)

(The stickers?!)

(The kids..)

(Tis little girl is damn cute lah.. she has big eyes and is super blur..)

(Smile :) )

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