Friday, March 27, 2009


Finally i have 2 days off to rest n do my stuff.. Take care of 3yrs old everyday can die man.. N i meant tt literally haha. Saw a girl hu looked like my fren cindy but super young version. Swear in real life dey looked the same. Hmm todae ended early at 12 plus. Slept on the bus trip back. ok gtg bnet now.. i've been missed from tt place fer 5 days alr. Jus bought a new seba high frm Ace oso so muz go dwn skate more alr. Aidos!

(Wa lau the stupid "Cool Mist" fans make us mop the place many times)

(The girls slacking during lunch )

(The girl on the left looks super like cindy in real life haha. So cute! )

(Happy-go-lucky innocent children :D )

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Collected my newly ordered disc from Joel. Lol i onli jus remembered he lived behind me. Discraft Ultra Star - Chameleon.. WHen under artificial light it's white and under sunlight the UV rays make it turn purple. Cool rite.. Played mahjong wif e guys till mornin den went home bathed ate n rushed straight to work.Well okay so wrked at SGH's Health Development Board myopia prevention event tingy. Dere are 900 kids a day. Wow n im toking about pre-school toddlers the age of 3-5. U can onli imagine how cute so many of dem were! haha n we were instructed on how not to say words like "stupid", "silly", or "oi!". Coz apparently these are considered bad words in THEIR dictionary. not tt their vocabuarly list is long anyway lol. Im in charge of some animal walkabout booth. E prizes are just some lousy stickers. Lastly jus wanna emphatise how cute the children were. No wonder Early Childhood Education students are tahan the kids on attachment.. They're so cute sometimes tt u forget to be angry wif dem haha. Small boys even initiate to hold hands wif one another. Pictures!


(Wa lauu early game i ting Yao Jiu Da Pai den nv hu.. I HATE U FEIFEI!)

(My booth jus finish setup..)

(The stickers?!)

(The kids..)

(Tis little girl is damn cute lah.. she has big eyes and is super blur..)

(Smile :) )

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Its now 4am n i've jus finished watchin The Curious Case Of Benjamin Buttons. lol yea i noe. outdated. Nid to slp soon later 3pm got stuff at petir court. Hmm jus uploadin some pics of what u can do wif mahjong tiles before turnin in lol. Taken ysterday at ace's house.
(Kelvin Punggol's emotion being protrayed thru the tiles)
(I dunno wat this is but it looks like a cruise ship haha)

(Zhi Quan and his pyramid)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

IT Fair Photos!


(IT fair or Recycle Day?)

(Cindy and Fidelis!)

(Is That a pervert?! )

(Our Models lol.. ok jus kiddin.. dey're our promoters.)

( E face can be simply explained as i'm bendin n takin the shot..
u cant bend n smile at the same time )

( The gang! )

(Dunno hu spoil the picture at the back? )

( Cindy Fidelis Sharon! )

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vat Vat VAATT?

"Vat freebies can u gib me fer this laptop? Gimme goood offerb n i'll tak it." I've heard tis phrase so many times i can practically tok in indian accent now. Wrked at e IT fair sellin lenovo laptops. Ok quite bored at times yet challenging.. i tink. haha met ALOT of new frens dere. Took everyone's email on e last day.. guess my facebook fren count gonna jump soon. Hmm wore red underwear everyday leh but still nt much sales. Guess e girls hav an advantage haha. All started wearin shorts frm e second day onwards. Ok well maybe i was abit lazy i admit. Wat else? Everyth was fine till e second day at e fair and she said it's over? Vat happened? Maybe i was seen tokin to too many girls? hahahaha jk. Fine. My loss or urs? im not gonna say more. but u dun even dare to look me in e eyes now. Tok bout being frens huh :) :) :) Have to change e name back in e phonelist leh. YY's and my private joke. Troublesome. Stil awake at this ungodly hour bloggin. Just finished eatin. Went to kenneth's house play mahjong wif Rudy, Punggol and Kenneth. Later nid collect pay fer e suria drama at balestier.. where the hell is tt?! Aft tt gotta go SGH fer work briefin. Dunno work some game thing fer e blind or severe myopia kids. Sounds fun. Life's Like that. Last but not least im glad i met a new fren called "owl" LOL! add photos soon!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sheeit ok no photos coz dey're at emma dere. or izzit manda lol. Had steamboat at feifei's wif rudy, mich, manda, pat, emma, joe and of coz me. Sotong, fishball, vege, bacon, egg, hotdog, taiwan sausage, noodles and rice, u name it we got it. We even had CJ7 hahaha. Onli those of us there noe wats tt. Upload e pics alr den u'll get e joke. Waited fer joe to arrive b4 we cud all makan which was at 8.40 plus. starved by den lol. Aft eatin everyone headed hm. Hmm hope kelvin punggol is alrite. Tink his having those problems again. ok tml gotta work at IT fair. off to slp!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Road To Recovery

Well these few days damn bored.. Play mahjong, sleep, read books, bad weather, plus my stupid persistent insistent resistant cough dun wanna leave me. Now playin Wii Mario Cart in fren's hse. hmm and went to borrow Inkheart Trilogy frm his bro. Asked each other some questions frm e BTT handbook too coz taking test tgt. Wat else.. Obama is still alive and well and i'm not. Peace.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Dunno why i've caught this super deadly and contagious fever-flu-cough-phelgm virus tt left me moaning fer the last 3 nights on bed. Whole body too pain to even go out la. Bored. Recoverin now. Hence, nothin to blog about lol.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hmm went to Zouk yst wif Patrick, manda, emma, sheryl, jasmine. Emma e elephant tio caught fer being underage so kana asked to leave e premises lol. bt she waited fer e entry bouncer to change den try her luck.. N the second bouncer didnt even tak a second look at her IC. Saw Ethane Koh Yee Liang wif Chio Bu Sarah and whitney classmates. lol bunch of crazy people. E event quite boring, we onli wanted get e shirt haha and went to Joe's cousin's pub after that.. Drank martell and tiger beer. Left e place at 4am, went eat ke kou mian AGAIN.. went home and couldnt slp.. tink too much alcohol in my blood. shit.